Thursday, December 18, 2008

Made Aware of Race/Nationality

When I was about 10 years old my family moved to england. I was excited because this was something completely new for me. School, for me, was always fun and was something to look forward to. What I wasn't expecting was what took place. I showed up for school on the first day expecting to be the "new student". But because I was an american I was rejected. Not because I was white or new but because of where I came from. Eventually I did make a few friends (who were also americans) but it was a very discouraging feeling to be completely reject at this age.

Monday, December 8, 2008


You can say anything in your life or in another persons life is a war. But is it really a war or a struggle. Just because something is hard it doesn't exactly constitute a war. I believe that a war is made of many struggles and that life should be the war we all face. I don't think that there should be many wars in our life time but many struggles to form one big war. Like so many wars they have ups and downs just like our lives.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Yesterday we did a free write journal on a time when we were ever censored or when we were denied material. When I was in 7Th or 8Th grade when I wrote a paper for a composition class. In this paper I used a few words that were deemed unacceptable to use in school. After she was done grading the papers I had to re-write the paper. As for being denied material thing I was about 5 or 6 years old. I was a christian and I had received my first bible. well my dad ended up duck taping Revelations shut because he thought it was too scary for me at that age.