Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Yesterday we did a free write journal on a time when we were ever censored or when we were denied material. When I was in 7Th or 8Th grade when I wrote a paper for a composition class. In this paper I used a few words that were deemed unacceptable to use in school. After she was done grading the papers I had to re-write the paper. As for being denied material thing I was about 5 or 6 years old. I was a christian and I had received my first bible. well my dad ended up duck taping Revelations shut because he thought it was too scary for me at that age.


  1. Wow, I've never heard of someone sensoring the Bible. But here's a question that you should ask yourself, did you read the Revelations when you were considered "old enough?"

    I just think that it doesn't matter at what age we expose children to censored things, because they are at some point going to experience it.

    The only thing we can do, is advise our children proper manners in order to teach them when it is proper or inproper to use these "censored" words or topics.

  2. I think that if you write a paper for school that may not use the most appropriate words you shouldn't have to completely rewrite a paper especially if it's done in a tasteful way. And like Brittanya said, i've never heard of anyone being sensored from the bible, but I guess if it's your dad just wanting to make sure you don't get scared, it's probably in your best interest. Good post!

  3. Wow, that teacher is dumn. You shouldn't censor someone's paper because that's freedom of expression. Also, your dad was kind of out of line doing that to a bible. Revelations isn't that scary and I don't think I would've understood it at that age anyway.

  4. That's crazy that your father taped your bible shut. I've never heard of things like that. Have you read revelations since?

  5. I can't believe that you father taped you bible. That is crazy. I can't also believe that the teacher made you re-write the paper. Good blog.

  6. lol wow taping the bible seems like an extreme way of censoring it. Honestly i dont think id even want to read the bible at 5 or 6 years old.

    Good post =]
